Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mustache May!!!

Wow. That's really all I have to say about blogging. I never thought I would do it. Well, it looks like some of my friends have talked me into it. I can promise you that I won't write that often, but when I do it could be incredibly funny, boring, interesting, genuine, and flat out lame. I ain't promisin' nothing. In fact, I am not even sure who my audience will be. The fact of the matter is that the older I get, the more comical this thing called life becomes. I promise to tell stories about my family, my friends, and about stupid things that I hear about. This thing could actually be fun if I can focus for more than three days. We will see if I can do it.

I have often told friends that if I were a good writer, that I could make millions off of my Dad. He is the most complex individuals on this Earth. He is also one of the funniest, albeit not on purpose. I have put a picture of him on the left here with my niece Malia. Anyway, there will be all kindsa stories on him to come. I can't even wait to tell the stories.

At the urging of my friends, I have decided to mention a few different things. One is Mustache May. For me, I am not exactly sure what the big deal is about Mustache May. Pretty much lived with one all my life. My Dad is a true 70's man, complete with mustache, sideburns, leisure suits, various tight sweat suits, turtlenecks, corduroys, wide collars, Adidas Stan Smith Tennis Shoes, bell bottoms, mosquito repellent Old Spice cologne, and white patent leather shoes. Yep, that pretty much describes him. So when my friends presented Mustache May to me in the glorious year of 2002, I had no choice but to join them. I have been rockin' the Stache since 2003 with great pride. For many of the men involved it means various things. For me, it is my glorious chance to poke fun at my Dad through costume, facial hair, and attitude. In fact, my Dad didn't even realize that I have been making fun of him until this year (do the math, that's 5 years later!) Anyway, love you Dad! Here are some of my interpretations of you thus far!

That's right, there's something about an Aqua Velva Man! Every year this event brings hundreds of men together for some "bonding." Honestly there is nothing like it that I have seen. Too much fun!

As you can see! There are plenty of Beautiful Women who have "bought" into the program. We are proud of you ladies!


Admin said...

You know what the hardest thing about blogging is?

Damian said...

blogging with rollerblades on?

the New Mom said...

Oh baby......I can't believe it. Now I get to stay caught up on your life. Now you just have to stay out of slammer so you can write. Although......I've heard they have a couple of them late model Commodore 6400's in the clink. Love ya baby doll! -----Amy

brohammas said...

I taped a picture of your stache up on the mirrored cieling in my bedroom.